Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goya's Ghost

                      The film-- Goya‘s Ghost

  The movie  started to describe Goya was a very famous painter.  He worked for the royal to draw the portrait for king and queen, so the painting technology  is very exquisite. But I think he did it just for working and painting.  There was no feeling in the pictures.  Painting the king and queen's portrait should be very very lifelike, but there was no his own feelings and ideas inside.  If the picture is not good,  he may be loss this work,even his life.  When the French occupation of Spain, the king was replaced, so goya will be lost job.  At that time  he is free to draw anything what he want to express.  He had a  free creation time.   After the war,  death,  betray later, and he also lost his hearing.  He was deaf.  So he free play, fully expressed his feelings at that time, to his creation peak.  I think that only one person experised some big things , he  can grow and can fully express himself, and they knew what is the dream that they really want to achieve!!

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