Saturday, November 24, 2012

Team Work

Loyola Museum of Art

  Our team went to there on Friday, but there didn't open.  However, our schdule were different.  We had to change our chance to go there on next time.
  When we went to there, there were no one in the museum.  We can't find a person to ask some quations.  But I have some imprees of the art of the art.

  Thoes art works looked like very luxurious.  I think it was for the royal.  The character in the museum is the light.  There are the light bhind some picture. So the picture looks like veeery lively.
Gilded Glory:European Treasures from the Martin D'Arcy Collection. It is one of the first collections of medieval, Renaisance, and Baroque art un the Midwest.
 Collection are the most important medieval objects The Renaissance collection is particulary strong and describes celebrate family evens such as marriage and birth.

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